What Our Patients Have to Say...
This man is a wizard. A wizard of bodies. I sent my wife in because she couldn't tie her shoes she was in so much pain. He didn't even ask her what was wrong, he just watched and knew. He even noticed that her jaw was off and fixed an ear ache she had been having every other day without a word about it from her. You can't put a price on this, but we've paid physical therapists more than what Dr. Via is charging us. I appreciate so much that his emphasis is on healing people.
— Andrew D
Our daughter was supposed to have surgery today to have tubes placed in her ears. However, thanks to Via Family Chiropractic we were able to cancel the surgery. We are so thankful! Thank you God for the answered prayers.
— Lou W.
Yesterday I watched a family member who has been plagued with a constant headache for the last three years finally receive relief. Thank you Dr. Via!
— Ryan K
Dr. Via adjusted me during my home birth and not only helped me feel better, but helped the baby come out faster and without prevention.
— Katie A
Thanks for fixing Alvina up last night. She thinks she is fine this morning and not wanting to wear the sling!!! Also thanks for fixing up Angel, she thought that she was a new horse this morning!!!
— Katie W.
Oh my back feels soooo much better! Still twinges but after much iceing and lots of walking I can bend without getting stuck in a C position! I will just say Praise GOD and I'm thankful for good Chiropractors!
— Olivia B.
I feel that I am more efficient at work, I am thinking clearer, I feel calmer and less anxious and I am sleeping better.
— WSU Employee
Thank you for taking the time to straighten out my body... It is awesome to see a small town guy grown a dream for his family, Keep doing the good work you do and I'll be able to keep working!
— Greg M.